วันพุธที่ 21 เมษายน พ.ศ. 2553

What Women Want in a Man's Physique

Have you ever wondered what women want most in a man physically? Can be a little 'surprising to find that most women are not attracted to big muscle heads who seem they're going out of their skin. As a boy, I always wanted more and gain more muscle, I weigh more, and I wanted stronger.As a skinny boy in high school, I always thought that women liked the huge muscles and they wanted their man to look like Arnold Schwarzenegger.

I usually drink tons of protein drinks, eating raw eggs, and lift weights all the time. I thought if I can only grow, then all the girls I do not like. When I started to grow and become stronger, it was never enough and I always want more muscles. Fortunately for me, I was a hard Gainer and never really that great. They are in great shape, but I have super powerful, but never reached the big "Conan" the Barbarian look.

Once I met my wife we were dating, we talked about my love for bodybuilding and the desire to grow. I also thought of taking steroids to achieve the look that I thought she and other women of the world wanted. Thank God you told me about him and I've never done anything like this. She always told me that I thought I had a perfect body and she did not like the big, beefy look. I thought he was just saying that to make me feel better.

Well, as the years passed and I never had the big "look what I thought women liked Meathead, I'm glad that I did not. As we have seen, my wife is not just saying that to make me feel better, in fact, is honest. I read a survey that was done with thousands of women and the question was: "A man can have muscles too? The results are disturbing because almost all women who responded said:" Yes, the muscle is not too attractive!

The common theme is that most women like a good sport and build. Both women have broad shoulders and narrow waist, but not the massive muscles that seem unnatural.I sense to think that guys like Brad Pitt, Matthew McConaughey, Jake Gyllenhaal and Ryan Reynolds are usually key players in the men love stories or romantic comedies. Guys like Arnold are generally in the bully, beating the type of world cinema.

If Hollywood thought they could sell more film with Arnold movies playing in Chick ", you want more" muscleheads "in this type of movie. As well, this is not what women really want in a man physically, so Brad Pitt and others continue to flow in the films that most ladies love. In fact, boys who Arnolds physical well-built is not really seen many films anymore.This is great news if you're a boy, because doing great , husky search usually takes years of training and devotion or unhealthy and illegal drugs.

Lifting heavy weights is hard on the joints and the risk of injury is increased. As I like to work on ... spend two hours day in the gym is not quite practical over. Like most people today are busy with work, children, house, wife, etc. And, 'I get healthy looking and attractive as my wife likes with only 45 minutes per session, 3 times a week. I expect more natural, and 41 years, are healthy and feel better than you guys ever.

No matter what body style or how much weight that you need to lose, weight loss all comes down to three simple steps. The fitness and dieting industry try to make it more difficult that it really is so they can sell you the diet of the week or the newest magic pill that never works!

If you would like to finally leave all of the hype and lies behind and learn the real way to lose weight and get the body that you deserve, check out me blog at http://fitnessoverhaul.com. Once there, you can get a free 23 page ebook that will show you the 3 simple steps to weight loss.

