Many men make the mistake of thinking that should try to become the kind of guy ", think" women want. So when they meet a woman, you automatically start getting the kind of guy who just wants to passively take a shower the woman with gifts, gifts and attention.And guess what happens to these guys? Advantage. They get a broken heart. And end up wondering what was wrong and why their little plan did not work at all.
What you must understand is that women want a man who acts like a man. It's not a shock, but not a push over, I had this teenage either.When. It caused me much pain I'd like to see the girls that I know better seem to always be attracted to the kind of guy that I was not. When I'm older, I saw the same thing happens, I was across the things.You not become a boy who ignores her and does all these tips to try to make him think of you.
But you must make sure that you behave like a man. You should stop doing those things that make her your opinion, is just a friend, or a boy who desperately wants nothing to do with romantically.What women want is for men to act like men. It can be done. You can learn to attract and seduce any woman you want. But it must start realizing what you think and what women want women want are probably two different things.
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