วันพฤหัสบดีที่ 20 พฤษภาคม พ.ศ. 2553

What Women Want

It 'really interesting when you know what women want. As I said in many other articles, what women want is completely different from what they say they will. Trust me. Never take advice from a woman, what women want. Never do that. It is simply thrown red herring after red herring. In this article I want to talk about something that every woman wants: 1.) RegressionThis is a state where a woman comes into contact with her daughter inside, only to complain about going out with the right man.

I still remember my college days, and I had this roommate who was this macho muscular. And every time I heard everything he and his girlfriend told them I felt almost embarrassed for him. Both became "baby love". Both have refused. In short, the regression is back to a previous psychological. Some say that love itself is a regression in some way. "Its origin is actually from an innate desire for intimacy between a father and child.

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Thaddeus Kane is a dating coach based in Asia. He focuses on speed seduction. To learn the latest methods on speed seduction, visit http://www.thaddeuskane.com

